Friday, 24 June 2011


Wordle: another Me!

This is how I would like people to remember me by - anything "e" goes! Electronic, internet-based, online is my habitat. I enjoy being online and meet strangers there. I love communicating and sharing ideas online especially reflecting by connecting with strangers online.

I have been using Web 2.0 technology for my own learning for the past five years: Blogs for reflecting with others, Wikis for collaboratively producing texts and editing documents, and Podcasting to broadcast my achievements in small episodes.

I have also used Wikis with my students of English for Academic Purposes - students enjoy doing their homework online: they are more aware that they are writing for a larger community so are more careful with what and how they write. I can give feedback on the online learning space and the feedback is available to the student as well as to their colleagues who haven't yet plucked the courage to write online themselves.

Within Bucks New University, I use Blackboard's tools - Blogs and Wikis with students and academics for different purposes. Students use Blogs for sharing their work and reflections with me and their peers. Formal documents are collaborativel edited on the Wiki.

However, I try to be economical, effective and efficient whenever I can and therefore make as much use a possible of online CPD programmes and online communication tools which are free - I believe in the saying: "The best things in life are free!" People know me as the Google Girl - as I make effective use of most things Google: Google search engine, Google Blogger, Google Sites, Google Docs, Google Chat, Google Map -just Google! In my current studies, I am using all things Google to research, collect, organise, document, report, etc.

Google has inspired me to develop new and exciting ways to bring learning to life and connect the classroom with a whole world of knowledge! The power of this technological transformation is enormous and I try and apply it to creating learning sessions that meet the needs of today's learners for tomorrow's technological workforce.

A new approach to educational change is needed to integrate technology into education!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Showcase my talents

  1. I selected the artefacts that I plan to include in my eportfolio and created  'list of artefacts' to upload
  2. Then I explained why I chose these artefacts and what it says about my experience in the R&C Course
  3.  It can be viewed here  (click DOWNLOAD to get it)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Engage and Inspire Learners - virtually!

Most people like me would think this is easy especially when circumstances change and we have to adapt our teaching methods; it recently happened to us when the learning and teaching environment was downsized and we moved into a block with limited space and therfore limited lecture halls. Obviously, we started delivering lectures online using Webex but not sure if we gave much thought to engagement and inspiration!. This lecture has really given me a jolt about what is it that broadcasters do to keep their numbers up! BBC? CNN?

Engage and Inspire Learners, Virtually from Training Magazine Network on Vimeo.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

My Support Network

This is a poster created in Glogster where I describe My reflection on:
• the range of support networks that are available to me both within and outside my organisation (offline and online)
• how I access specialist advice/further training
• how I keep up to date with current developments in my field
• what review mechanisms are available to me to help you upgrade my skills and knowledge
• how I evaluate current and future needs and keep abreast of evolving trends

Thursday, 7 April 2011

updating the ePAC wiki - Request

Just completed this survey created in Google Form.

Hi Folks,

We are updating the ePAC wiki to include a refreshed look at ePortfolio
systems. Would you please consider helping us out by filling out this short
survey? We will only share your information if you are willing to share it.

Here's the form:

Please feel free to forward this to our ePortfolio community far and wide!

J. Elizabeth Clark

J. Elizabeth Clark, Ph.D.
Professor of English
LaGuardia Community College--CUNY
Phone: 718.482.5665

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Building my own PLN

I have decided to move into the fast lane and join the big boys driving flashy, whizzy fast cars.  Here's how I start - build my own Professional Learning Network  where I mix and mingle with the select few and then extend my tentacles to reach for the skies.

1. Social Networking and Personal Learning Environments

2. PLN Me!
3. Building a PLN with Web 2.0
4. From PLE Building to PLN Forming

5. PLEs

6. New tools for personal learning

Liz Diamond's PLN

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Meeting with course team

This is one of the tasks in my e-Learning action plan: Yesterday I met L, J and S who are in the process of finalising an Operating Department Practice course (pre-registration) for launch Sept 11 and are keen to adopt the e-Portfolio.  I demonstrated the process and product of creating and developing e-Portfolios using my own experience as a participant on the t-eL course using tools such as PowerPoint, Google Sites including Google Apps, Wikis, Blogs and discussed the pros and cons of using an institution independent but guided by the tutors, student centred development portfolios which are embedded in the course and therefore assessed. We also looked at accessibility, security and confidentiality issues and agreed that for the needs identified, Google Sites - free from adverts has the essential elements: repository, reflection area, communication through the comments box, sharing by invitation.

In summary, L and team are going ahead with introducing e-Portfolios in the course and we have agreed to identify key teaching staff who will receive some training on the concept of e-Portfolios and their creation using Google Sites. This could be another example to be added to our paper to be presented at QEC in June 2011.
One of the points raised was linked to plagiarism and netiquette: I think these articles could help us find out how to deal with them.