By participating in Reflect and Connect, I hope to discover, explore, learn to effectively use Web 2.0 to enhance learning and teaching. I am especially interested to learn how Facebook and Twitter can contribute to this as they seem to be the domain mainly used by the net generation. I don't even own an iphone or an ipad yet! The Elluminate session on Monday 7 March helped me refocus my goal. The chat lines helped me think again. The support in the learning goals forum contributed to that a lot. Having referred to the Blogging guide, I feel I need to be more disciplined until it becomes second nature for me to blog my thoughts and share them with a CoP in my case the PDP/CPD/e-portfolio community
Ultimately, my learning goal is to become an e-Portfolio consultant/advisor at Bucks New University where I work as a Senior Lecturer in Academic Skills Development. The Elluminate session on Monday (7 March)together with the learning goals forum contributions and suggestions from the moderators and colleagues certainly helped me refocus my learning goal
It is important for me because it will give me the opportunity to share my invaluable learning and experiences from this course with colleagues as well as management and through them students. I believe that keeping records of learning and achievements albeit informally requires self-discipline and therefore am looking for scaffolded support for critical reflection from this course to complement my curiosity and enthusiasm.
I am sure active participation in the forums (fora?), Elluminate sessions together with some reading will help me develop my e-Portfolio on Mahara which should not be just a digital collection of artefacts but evidence of learning through reflection, self-awareness, discussion and extending my social network. My experiences on this course will be helpful when I train the group of staff who have volunteered to participate in my own e-Portfolio project using Google Sites. Since these participants are themselves tutors teaching/leading/managing modules and courses, I hope that through the snowball effect, the experience will be further extended to their students and teams.
The most important part of this learning process is my determination to achieve the goal despite the time deficiency, too many responsibilities needing first priority, support from moderators, colleagues (including my work colleagues, senior management, my dissertation supervisors.
I hope to be able to showcase my Mahara-based e-portfolio at the end of the course having developed a disciplined-approach to reflection (i.e. keep a blog religiously!). Mid-term (2 - 5 years) I should be running my e-Portfolio training company!
I am positive that the course team including my fellow course participants will accept my warm welcome to travel with me on this learning journey making it fun and enjoyable.